Legacy of the Rift
Developer • Sound Designer • Project Manager
A 2D narrative-driven action-adventure game that takes place in the fantastical continent of Wulfgard. Players undergo a journey as 3 siblings, Lokir, Halvar, and Ursa Ironhand, to find a cure for a deadly virus that turns people into monsters that crave nothing but carnage.
Created by myself, Mark Robles, and Erika Wang, I was responsible for working alongside Mark on the development of the game in Unity and C#, music, sound design & engineering, and project management.
Nominated for the R. Murray Schafer Soundscape Award, an annual award given to an undergraduate or graduate student who demonstrates high academic achievement, skills and interest in soundscape studies/composition or acoustic communication.
A seven-minute audio documentary that depicts my mother’s story as to how and why she decided to immigrate to Canada. Through my mother’s stories, I use a combination of self-recorded foley sound and sound effects from the BBC’s SFX Archive to give listeners an auditory glimpse into the struggles that many immigrant families can relate to as they grow up in developing countries.
Beyond the Rift
Developer • Sound Designer • Project Manager
Beyond the Rift is a plot-driven action game. The player controls Bjorn Ironhand, a warrior-in-training that was born with unprecedented powers. Dialogue choices and gameplay performance will affect the conclusion to Bjorn’s tale - will he conquer his powers and come to terms with his destiny, or will he give in and walk a lonely path to his demise?
Created by myself, Mark Robles, and Erika Wang, I was responsible for working alongside Mark on the development of the game in Unity and C#, sound design & engineering, and project management.
Lime Connect
A 60-second radio PSA that was broadcasted by CJSF 90.1FM for The Lime Network, a non-profit organization and exclusive resource for university students, professionals, and veterans who have any type of disability.
SIAT Explained
Sound Designer
A five-minute animated video informing students about the undergraduate degree in the School of Interactive Arts and Technology at Simon Fraser University.
Best Game in IAT 410: Advanced Game Design
Best Project in IAT 313: Narrative and New Media
Reckoning of the Rift
Developer • Sound Designer • Project Manager
Lokir, Halvar, Ursa, Morkvar, Hjallna, and Eerika Ironhand embark on a journey through time to finally release their father, Bjorn Ironhand, from Malakai's control.
This is the final instalment of the Rift series of 2D narrative-driven action-adventure games. Reckoning of the Rift was created by myself, Mark Robles, Erika Wang, and Catelyn Sue as a capstone project for SFU SIAT. I was responsible for all aspects of music, sound design & engineering utilizing Wwise. I also worked alongside Mark to develop the game in Unity and C#.